Lunacy App

Beautiful applications
for every platform.

Harness the power of cross-platform development with Avalonia. One codebase, infinite possibilities.

Pixel-Perfect on every platform

Write your code once and know it'll work the same across every platform you wish to support.

Incredible Performance

Designed with performance in mind, Avalonia enables you to build the fastest apps for every platform.

Free and open-source

Avalonia has a permissive MIT license, meaning you're free to use Avalonia for every project with zero cost.

Pixel Perfect on
Every Platform

Control precisely how your app looks across every platform without worrying about platform-specific APIs.

Avalonia uses Skia to draw the user interface, enabling pixel-perfect apps that make it easy to add some flair and ensure your apps stand out.

Pixel Perfect Avalonia

Our Architecture

  • Avalonia supports several .NET runtimes, including .NET Framework, Mono and .NET Core.
  • The only prerequisite for supporting new platforms is the ability to draw pixels and receive events, meaning it's easy to add support for new platforms! You can read more about this on our blog.
  • The architecture is modular and has a clean extensible design of the APIs.

Native Performance on Every Platform

Apps built with Avalonia UI offer native performance and consume significantly less resources than an equivalent app developed using Web Technologies like Electron.

Speedometer Icon

No Dependency on .NET MAUI or Xamarin.Forms

Xamarin.Forms and MAUI are abstraction layers that aim to create a standard API between various platforms rather than a fully-fledged UI toolkit like Avalonia UI. While Avalonia UI uses the same underlying technology to enable Avalonia apps to run on iOS and Android, there are no dependencies on Xamarin.Forms or MAUI.

Skia Rendering

Avalonia UI uses SkiaSharp, a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library. Many apps use Skia to render their UI, including Google Chrome and apps built with Flutter, allowing developers to create highly performant applications with a consistent look.

Although Skia is the default render, Avalonia UI also supports rendering with Direct2D on Windows.


Supported Platforms



Create modern Windows applications compatible with systems from Windows 7 all the way up to the latest Windows 11.

Our Fluent design inspired theme provides the look and feel of apps loved by Windows users, making it easy to ship a polished user experience.

Lunacy App


Develop pixel-perfect applications for macOS using .NET and Avalonia.

Ship your macOS apps to the Mac App Store and build for Intel and Apple Silicon devices.



Extended your reach far beyond conventional desktops. Our robust Linux support encompasses the realm of embedded devices.

With the frame buffer support, you can deliver high-quality user experiences on an array of devices.

Use Avalonia alongside Meadow.Desktop from Wilderness Labs if you want to develop HMIs that easily integrate with electronics.

Mobile App
New with v11


Extend your reach to the mobile world with Avalonia. Catering to both iOS and Android platforms, we empower you to deliver your applications to the hands of billions of users worldwide.

Avalonia makes mobile application development simple and efficient, saving you valuable time and resources."

New with v11


Embrace the power of the web with Avalonia. With our comprehensive WebAssembly support, your application can be deployed directly to a web without altering a single line of code.

Experience the freedom and versatility of platform-agnostic deployment with Avalonia's WebAssembly support.

Go to Browser Playground
Coming Soon


As Apple embarks on a new journey with visionOS, we're committed to ensuring compatibility with this groundbreaking operating system.

With Avalonia, your investment today is a step towards the technological landscapes of tomorrow.

Read the announcement
Coming Soon


Exciting new possibilities are on the horizon as we prepare to extend our support to Samsung's Tizen OS.

Soon, you'll have the tools to deploy your applications on Tizen-powered smart TVs. This upcoming addition to our supported platforms underscores our ongoing commitment to broad, cross-platform development.

Need to modernise a WPF app?

Use Avalonia XPF to modernise your WPF apps in minutes rather than months.