What does Vision Pro mean for Windows Developers?

Avalonia commitment and thoughts on the future of computing - VisionOS.

Mike James

There have been many paradigm shifts when we reflect on the evolution of technology. From desktop computing to the mobile era, technology advances, providing developers and consumers with new experiences and capabilities. With the announcement of Apple's Vision Pro and its ground-breaking operating system, visionOS, we are standing at the cusp of a new revolution in computing.

Windows developers have witnessed Microsoft's foray into augmented reality (AR) through the HoloLens. While ambitious in its scope, the HoloLens didn't quite capture mainstream adoption, even in enterprises. The reasons ranged from its high price tag and the uninviting developer ecosystem that fell short of what Windows developers have grown accustomed to. Consequently, many found themselves on unfamiliar ground, facing steep learning curves and scant tooling support.

In contrast, Apple's Vision Pro appears to be a golden opportunity for Windows developers to re-evaluate their approach to AR and mixed reality (MR) development. Intriguingly, most apps exhibited during Vision Pro's debut were 2D, not 3D. This suggests that Apple doesn't just view Vision Pro as a HoloLens or Oculus competitor. Instead, Vision Pro's promise of a universal, location-agnostic workspace is an alluring prospect. The global surge in remote work and the need for flexible work arrangements underscore the demand for such a solution. In this light, Vision Pro can be perceived as a pioneer — leading us towards a future where we can work from anywhere, unhindered by restrictions of a small laptop screen.

We are excited to announce that Avalonia UI will extend support to visionOS, empowering .NET developers to create immersive apps for Vision Pro. Whether your vision involves crafting a new Avalonia UI application or modernising an existing WPF app, Avalonia UI is equipped to help you tap into the full potential of visionOS. 


To those who have dipped their toes into the HoloLens' waters, Avalonia UI is eager to collaborate with you and want to hear from you. We want to explore how to translate your hard-earned AR expertise into the visionOS landscape. 

As we stand at the threshold of the next chapter of computing, Windows and .NET developers must consider how to adjust to the future. How can you leverage your existing skills and knowledge in this new world of spatial computing? Avalonia UI is here to aid you on this journey.

The dawn of Vision Pro signifies a paradigm shift and presents an opportunity to embrace a new platform, broaden your skills, and play an active role in creating the future of computing. At Avalonia UI, we're committed to supporting you every step of the way.

We look forward to working with you as we navigate this new frontier together. Register your interest today in visionOS, and let's embark on this journey together.

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