The Expert Guide to Porting WPF Applications to Avalonia

A practical roadmap for porting WPF applications to Avalonia, detailing key steps, challenges, and solutions based on our extensive experience.

Steven Kirk

Many developers find themselves needing to modernize their WPF applications and bring them to new platforms. Avalonia offers a compelling cross-platform solution, but the porting process can seem daunting.

Our tried-and-true methodology has consistently delivered successful porting projects on time and within budget. We've tackled applications of all sizes and complexities, always achieving the desired outcome for our customers.

Whether you're considering a port to Avalonia or are already in the midst of one, the insights shared here reflect the same approach we use in our customer projects. For those who prefer to leave the porting to experts, our team is always ready to bring your WPF application into the cross-platform future with Avalonia.

Now, let's dive into the intricacies of porting WPF applications to Avalonia, starting with why this transition can be so beneficial for your software.

Why Port to Avalonia?

Before diving into the how, let's briefly discuss the why. Avalonia offers several advantages over traditional WPF applications. The most significant benefit is cross-platform compatibility, allowing your application to run on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android and even the browser.

For developers familiar with WPF, Avalonia's XAML syntax will feel comfortable, easing the transition. The framework is also actively developed, ensuring ongoing improvements and community support. While solutions like Avalonia XPF exist to run WPF applications on new platforms with little to no changes to the code, many developers prefer a full port to Avalonia in order to fully leverage the framework's capabilities.

Preparation: Validating Your Project

The first crucial step in any porting project is to validate that your existing application and its dependencies are compatible with Avalonia and your target platforms. Begin by ensuring your project is running on a modern version of .NET, not .NET Framework. Next, conduct a thorough audit of your project's dependencies, including both NuGet packages and directly referenced .dlls. Check each dependency for Avalonia compatibility, compatibility with your target .NET version, and availability for all target platforms.

Pay special attention to MVVM or application frameworks like Caliburn or Prism, as these may need Avalonia-specific replacements. Additionally, search your codebase for platform-specific code, such as [DllImport] attributes indicating Windows-specific calls, or usage of WebBrowser components which may require alternatives.

If you encounter issues during this validation phase, it's crucial to address them before proceeding. Consider upgrading to the latest compatible .NET version, seeking Avalonia-compatible alternatives for problematic dependencies, and consulting with our community of experts for alternatives for platform-specific code.

Estimation: Scoping the Project

Start by creating an inventory of all views in your project, recording the number of lines of XAML and code-behind for each. Tools like cloc can be invaluable for this task. Examine the most complex views to gauge porting difficulty, and take a random sample of views to identify potential roadblocks.

Estimating the scope of a porting project requires careful analysis of your codebase. While every project is unique, we can offer some insights based on our experience. In one of our smaller projects, we ported an application with 76 views, totaling 5,907 lines of XAML and 3,194 lines of code-behind. This project required approximately 688 man-hours to complete, including both porting and bug-fixing time.

To estimate your own project, start by counting your views and lines of code (both XAML and code-behind). As a rough guideline, you might expect to spend about 9 hours per view, or 4 minutes per line of code (combining XAML and code-behind). However, these figures can vary significantly based on complexity. For instance, if your project requires porting additional components like MVVM frameworks (in our example, we needed to port Caliburn Micro to Avalonia), you should factor in extra time.

Remember that these are just starting points. The actual time required can be influenced by factors such as the complexity of your UI, the use of custom controls, and the amount of platform-specific code. It's often helpful to start with a conservative estimate and refine it as you progress through the initial stages of the port. Keep detailed records of your time spent on different aspects of the port - this data will be invaluable for future projects and for refining your estimates as you go.

General Porting Guidelines

As you begin the porting process, keep several key principles in mind. First and foremost, your goal is to port, not refactor. Maintain the existing code structure as closely as possible. Respect existing design decisions, remembering Chesterton's fence – assume there's a reason for every quirk in the codebase, even if it's not immediately apparent.

Chestertons Fence

Prioritize progress by aiming to get something on-screen quickly. This approach boosts morale and provides valuable feedback early in the process. Be flexible in your approach; while these guidelines are useful, don't hesitate to deviate when it makes sense for your specific project.

The Porting Process: A Step-by-Step Approach

To begin the porting process, start by preparing your project. Remove all views from the project file except the main window, and comment out all XAML and code-behind in the main window. Comment out enough code to display an empty main window, then commit this baseline state.

Next, begin incrementally porting the main window. Uncomment and port sections of XAML and code-behind, re-including referenced views as you encounter them. Prioritize simpler views initially, making note of complex views for later. For each secondary view, comment out enough code to get it compiling and running, then gradually uncomment and port sections of the view.

Continue this process, gradually building up the application's functionality. Don't worry about perfecting each view immediately – focus on getting the basic structure in place. Once the basic application structure is in place, revisit complex views and challenging areas, addressing any performance issues or Avalonia-specific optimizations.

This approach allows you to gain early insights into the porting process for your specific application, identify major challenges early, and maintain a sense of progress, which is crucial for long-term projects.

Common Challenges and Solutions

As you progress through your porting project, you're likely to encounter several common challenges. Platform-specific APIs often pose issues, as WPF applications frequently use Windows-specific APIs unavailable in Avalonia. Look for cross-platform alternatives or use conditional compilation to provide platform-specific implementations.

Control differences can also be problematic, as some WPF controls don't have direct equivalents in Avalonia. Explore Avalonia's control catalog and community libraries, and be prepared to create custom controls when necessary. Styling and theming may require some adjustment, as Avalonia's styling system, while similar to WPF's, has some differences. Start with Avalonia's default styles and gradually customize.

Data binding in Avalonia supports MVVM, but the syntax and available options may differ slightly from WPF. Review Avalonia's data binding documentation carefully, and consider using a cross-platform MVVM framework to abstract away differences.

Third-party controls designed for WPF won't work directly in Avalonia, but you have several options to address this challenge. First, look for Avalonia versions of popular controls, as many widely-used components have been ported to Avalonia. If Avalonia-specific versions aren't available, consider recreating unique controls using Avalonia's primitives.

However, there's another powerful alternative: Hybrid XPF. This solution allows you to use WPF controls inside an Avalonia application, providing a bridge between the two frameworks. Hybrid XPF can be particularly useful when you have complex, custom WPF controls that would be time-consuming to recreate, or when you need to maintain compatibility with specific WPF-only libraries.

Finally, be prepared to address performance optimization. Performance characteristics may differ between WPF and Avalonia, especially on non-Windows platforms. Use performance profiling tools to identify bottlenecks, paying special attention to virtualization for large collections.

Best Practices for a Smooth Porting Process

To ensure your porting project runs as smoothly as possible, adopt several best practices. Use version control with frequent, small commits to track progress and easily roll back problematic changes. One little trick I like to use is temporarily commenting out code with double comments (////) to make these sections easy to locate and address later.

Develop a comprehensive testing strategy that covers both functionality and performance across all target platforms. Keep detailed notes on challenges encountered and solutions implemented, as this documentation will be invaluable for future maintenance and similar projects.

Wrapping Up

Porting a WPF application to Avalonia is a significant undertaking, but with the right approach, it's a manageable process. The key to a successful port is thorough preparation and a systematic approach. We have yet to find a WPF application that couldn't be migrated to Avalonia, albeit with some work. 

If you hit any issues, you should make sure to engage with our incredible Avalonia community. The collective knowledge and experience of our community is an invaluable resource as you navigate the complexity of porting a WPF application. 

Remember, we (Avalonia UI) offers expert assistance through our support agreements or development services. Whether you need guidance, bug fixes, or a complete hands-off solution, our team is ready to help you migrate your WPF app to Avalonia.


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