Announcing the release of TreeDataGrid

Announcing the release of TreeDataGrid.


Our new control TreeDataGrid is now publicly available. It is 2 controls in one - DataGrid and TreeView


Our users have been asking us for more performant version of DataGrid and TreeView type controls capable of displaying huge datasets. We started to develop this control internally a long time ago. This control is already more performant than it's analogues from the main repository. It supports virtualisation, everything is strongly typed, and we are even using internal experimental features like TypedBindingsTreeDataGrid is still far behind DataGrid from the main repository in terms of features, but our commercial customers do use this control in their applications, and they are happy with it! As of the time of writing it’s great for display lots of data, we have not yet however, added the ability to edit said data.

Controls like these take a lot of expertisededication, and time to design and build. We have wrestled with the idea to commercialise this control or to make it publicly available for free.
In the end we have decided to allow anyone to use it for free under the MIT license.

However, will ask that support for these controls (issues and pull requests) can only be provided to paying customers. (See our support packages for more information).

Documentation is available on our site and NuGet package is also publicly available!

Please consider using this control and share your impressions in our Twitter and in our Telegram chat.


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